Cibus Tec 2023

Artificial intelligence and sustainability are certainly words that we’ll hear a lot more of in the coming years of the Industry 5.0 evolution, which is already the present for many enterprises that at Cibus Tec exhibited their best solutions to the food packaging and processing world.

Attention to green issues has by now become standard practice, applied in the design of more compact solutions, capable of reducing consumption, dispersion and inefficiencies to the maximum, in order to propose to the market technology capable of meeting the increasingly standardized ESG paths of companies in the F&B sector. 

Supporting and driving sustainability are proposals linked to digitalisation, particularly with increasingly widespread AI. 

Thanks to the innovation paths undertaken by enterprises, in fact, production effectiveness is closely connected to both technological solutions that make it possible, and to sustainability, which in real terms means lower costs and lower waste, it doesn’t matter at what point in the supply chain: from energy costs to packaging, from food waste to end-of-life waste management. 

A selection of proposals in the show

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