Packaging machinery: 2021 turnover above €8 billion (+8%)
According to the preliminary figures published by the MECS – Ucima Research Centre, the sector is returning to growth. Both the domestic market (+18%) and exports (+5%) are performing well. Approximately 7 months of production is guaranteed in 2022.

The Italian packaging machinery manufacturers have once again passed the €8 billion mark. According to the preliminary figures compiled by the MECS - Ucima (Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers’ Association) Research Department, the sector has reached an overall turnover of €8,435 million in 2021, 8% up on the result recorded in 2020.
This figure is higher than the 2019 turnover and consolidates the industry’s position in the wake of the pandemic.
Specifically, the Italian packaging machinery manufacturers’ domestic sales fell by 18% to €2,035 million, while exports, which have always been the sector’s key strength, grew 5% year-on-year to €6,400 million.
However, the return of industrial plants to full capacity is accompanied by a 30% average increase in production costs. Companies face soaring raw materials costs, higher prices and delayed deliveries of components, more expensive land and sea transport, and a disproportionate rise in the cost of energy for operating factories.
And despite the almost 7 months of assured production in 2022 estimated by MECS, the current global situation is likely to have a negative impact on the sector as well as holding back the recovery of the Italian economy.
“Ucima is monitoring the price increases of key commodities,” says Ucima Chairman Matteo Gentili. “These market issues must be acknowledged and managed so as not to jeopardise the growth in production of our sector and of the country as a whole, especially during this delicate period of recovery. The orders already acquired for 2022 are higher than the historical average, so we are very optimistic about the next twelve months. However, we don’t want to have to slow down production and deliveries of our machinery due to the lack of a small number of components worth just a few hundred euros.”