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Attention to workers, the market and the environment: having valorised a common skill base, we are moving towards stability.

Davide Morten, Sales and Marketing Director Robatech Italia (Cesena, FC), green technologies for bonding.

As usual, Davide Morten goes straight to the point. «Robatech's activity has never stopped: in fact, we have continued to provide our customers with both materials and services, thanks to a "smart" organization and the availability of our team. We made partial use of the tools arranged by the authorities, trying to balance the load between the collaborators and minimize the inconvenience. Of course, the company has always anticipated the payment of remuneration to its collaborators.

For some time I have considered Robatech a smart company - continues the manager - and our habit of dematerialising documents and automating procedures has allowed us to ferry activities to smart working mode quickly and easily. The professional scenario for all of us has therefore changed, in many cases definitively: for this reason we are further implementing our infrastructures and processes towards an even smarter and greener way of working. On the other hand, our natural predisposition to work in an agile and ecological way has been fundamental to allow us to maintain the levels of service that Robatech’s customers have come to expect».

After having equipped all our co-workers with every tool imaginable useful to combat the spread of the virus, in Robatech an additional special insurance was immediately activated, aimed at covering the possible medical and social costs due to a possible, undesired contagion.

«Fortunately nobody has needed it, but we are still convinced that it was a sensible investment by a company very attentive to the well-being and health of its staff. We have also started a survey, to determine the level of well-being perceived as a function of working in an agile way, the results of which are being studied to implement further investments and operational reorganizations».

Robatech is a multinational company whose supply chain is spread over several continents. «It was therefore inevitable to face some logistical difficulties, due more to transport problems than to the supply of the goods. Fortunately, thanks to optimized warehouse management and interconnection between branches, we can say with certainty that we have minimized the negative consequences for customers. In all probability, also due to this - Morten continues, crossing his fingers - the perception that the Coronavirus emergency impact on production, turnover and orders is lower than the worst expectations: we are in fact only 10% below our budget, with a fairly stable forecast towards the end of the year. It goes without saying that any forecast, in this period and with the present scenario, is difficult and presents a high risk of inaccuracy. However, in the first quarter of 2020 we did not lose market shares; our drop in turnover, which was contained compared to a much more severe context of general contraction, leads us to think that we have even improved our position on the market compared to many competitors.

The 2020 forecast, revalued on the basis of the data currently available, positions our turnover volumes at around -10% compared to the previous year».

Find out more information about the companies mentioned in this article and published in the Buyers' Guide - PackBook by ItaliaImballaggio
Robatech Italia Srl

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