Bioplastics Conference

Numerous the participants in the third edition of the conference organized September 17th by Proplast at the Parco Scientific and Technologico of Valle Scrivia (AL), to confirm the interest towards bioplastic, it uses and devlopments.

At the analysis of the Europen market by the European Bioplastics Associaton, were followed by some data on the availability of land and biomasses, to check the possibility of exploiting the future in the eye of an production both of foods and bioplastics.
In the two different sessions there was also talk of compostable materials and biomonomers.  In a rapid summary we cite some of the talks:
- the Italian Composters Consortium presented the evolution of the brand “Compostible CIC”, that today certifies all the products that naturally decomopose in the  composting process and with the characteristics of biodegradability and disintegratability, according to the  requisites of the European standards UNI EN 13432:2002 and Italian ruligs (art. 182 D.Lgs 152/2006);
- Taghleef Industries and Bio4Pack Italy showed some applications of teh PLA bioreinted combined with other bioplstics in flexible barreri packaging;
- Novamont the fourth generation of Mater-bi, that combines the two consolidated techniques of complexed starches and oil polyester with recent technologies;
- Mossi & Ghisolfi intervend on the state of the art of the world demand for bioPET and anticipated, among other things, the coming production phases of a 100% bio PET (to be devised withing 3 to 5 years).
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