A “link” between ERP and lines

Wrong information on the label, standards (eg GS1) not met, non-registration of the identification parameters of the supply chain, configuration errors in packaging identification systems ... when there is no data aggregation and automated controls visibility and the traceabililty of actions, events and data are also compromised.

To address quality objectives and tracking of packaging lines hence PES or rather packaging execution systems are needed, that coordinate and manage all the phases involved.
Zetes proposes ZetesAtlas, a software that acts as a link between ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and the packaging line, inside a controlled cycle, and monitors the entire range of peripherals (printers, cameras, control devices, etc.) enabling the correct execution of all processes related to product identification. It is a unique solution that guides all the lines, that controls all the data and provides reports on events and actions in order to know what happened at each point of the line.
Process automation also ensures faster execution, leaving only one person to manage all the devices on the line via a single man-machine interface. This hence leads to a substantial reduction of manpower and accordingly errors, at the same time ensuring the quality and completeness of identification, in that all the information is controlled in real time.
ZetesAtlas can also handle the identification of units (heterogeneous streams, serialization) and provide accurate information on which products are in which packaging.

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