Unilever pledges €600 million to combat the coronavirus

Unilever has stepped into the fight against the coronavirus with a pledge to contribute €600 million.
The package includes €100 million in donations of soap, sanitiser, bleach and food to all its stakeholders (consumers, communities, customers, suppliers and its workforce), including €50 million to the COVID Action Platform of the World Economic Forum which is supporting global health organisations.
A further €500 million of cash flow relief will be granted to support livelihoods across the extended value chain through early payment for small and medium sized suppliers and extension of credit to selected small-scale retail customers whose business relies on Unilever.
Unilever has also announced that it will adapt its current manufacturing lines to produce sanitiser for use in hospitals, schools and other institutional settings.
Unilever joins other multinationals committed to supporting communities affected by COVID-19: Kraft Heinz has contributed $12 million, PepsiCo $11m, Carlsberg $13.8m.
Image credits: Unilever