Hi-tech sterilization with gamma rays

Gammarad Italia (Minerbio, BO) is one of the major European centers for contract sterilization through irradiation and is specialized in the use of gamma rays: a “cold” process that passes through the material and destroys the bacterial and microbial content, without leaving residues or causing alterations.

Gamma rays are thus particularly effective on packaged products; indeed, Gammarad treats both boxed and palletized products and makes its turnover – in equal parts – in the medical and diagnostics sector, the food packaging sector and the pharmaceutical/cosmetics packaging sector. In addition to sanitization, sterilization and irradiation, the Emilia-based concern also supplies services of planning and certification of the sterilization process; certification of the sterile barrier system for medical devices through study of accelerated and ongoing aging; consulting on issues relating to the choice of new packaging and materials.

Gammarad Italia is authorized by the Ministry of Health for sterilization of active/excipient substances for veterinary use and by the Italian Medicines Agency for sterilization of raw materials and medical products, as well as accredited in Japan by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, and in the United Kingdom by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and by the FDA in the USA.
Recently, the concern started a collaboration with Lati (thermoplastic compounds for injection-moulding, Vedano Olona, VA) to test irradiation on innovative materials.

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