Packaging created from beans

The heightened sensitivity and reflections in recent years on the environment have led packaging concerns - and notably the paper industry - to review their processes in a sustainable way, especially as regards the use (and saving) of raw materials.
In this perspective an innovative sector project has been implemented by Lucaprint, which premiered on September 18 at Expo, which saw the involvement of Favini paper producers and the company Pedon SpA, leader in production and marketing of cereals, legumes and seeds.

The alliance has resulted in the design FSC certified and GMO-free food packaging, made from Favini Crush Fagiolo ecological cardboard, derived from legume processing waste not usable for human consumption provided by Pedon as a partial replacement of virgin cellulose pulp (reduced by 15% compared to 30% of post-consumption recycled fiber). The environmentally friendly inks and the transparent window in PLA, also obtained from plant waste, make the packaging eco-sustainable and 100% recyclable. The new packaging will clad the popular Pedina Lentils, Pedon’s “ethical lentil” which the company has been producing for over a decade in support of humanitarian campaigns in defence of the children’s rights and health, allocating 15 cents for every box sold to the project Every One (the global campaign launched in 2009 by Save the Children to combat child mortality and ensure health and assistance to mothers and children in thirty-eight countries around the world).
The partnership between companies with deep roots in the Vicenza area has hence demonstrated the considerable potential of supply chain integration, paving the way for a new approach in the recovery of processing waste in all sectors, not just food.

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