40 years to look towards... Futura

It has made the powder pressing ribbons technological, reliable and creative: we are talking about NastriTex which, founded in 1980, now has 40 years of research and development to its credit, done alongside the large service manufacturers, with whom it has developed technical solutions aimed at improving the pressing of cosmetic powders with technologically advanced fabrics, fabrics also certified in terms of human safety.


Between catalogue references and prototypes, today it offers 100 different tapes: technical fabrics made on request, non-woven fabrics, polymeric films and combinations of fibers and cellulosic materials.
In a market known to be competitive, NastriTex has always stood out thanks to the extreme specialization and reliability of its products, designed in the NastriTex Lab, their internal laboratory that works with the aim of offering customers adequate tools to support ambitious production objectives.
Because the NastriTex Lab is "something more" than just a laboratory: it is a place where ideas, theories and tests are developed and applied at the service of cosmetics manufacturers.

Hence in 2020 the company crosses the 40-year milestone and consolidates the founding values that, over time, have shaped its character, favored the development of distinctive skills and created the path in which old and new generations will find themselves moving.
Just thinking about the new generations, NastriTex presents the "Futura" at Cosmopack in Bologna, the first pressing ribbon made with 100% recycled materials: "Futura" is not a point of arrival, but simply the new stage of a circular economy path started in 2012, imagining an increasingly sustainable tomorrow.

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