Carlsberg unveils first wood fibre sourced bottles

During the C40 World Mayors Summit (Copenhagen, 9-12 October 2019), the world’s fifth largest brewer Carlsberg unveiled two new prototypes of the Green Fibre Bottle made from sustainably sourced wood fibres.

Both prototypes, one using a thin recycled PET polymer film barrier and the other a 100% bio-based PEF polymer film barrier, protect the flavour of the beer while maintaining a minimal environmental footprint thanks to the low impact on the production process. Carlsberg’s focus on sustainable packaging innovations is not new.

In 2018, the Danish brewer launched a number of packaging innovations, including recycled shrink film, greener label ink and the innovative Snap Pack, which replaces the plastic wrapping around its six-packs with a solution that instead glues the cans together.

Carlsberg has been working on the Green Fibre Bottles since 2015 alongside innovation experts EcoXpac, packaging company BillerudKorsnäs and post-doctoral researchers from the Technical University of Denmark, supported by Innovation Fund Denmark.

The combined efforts have resulted in the emergence of Paboco®, the paper bottle company - a joint venture between BillerudKorsnäs and bottle manufacturing specialist ALPLA.

Carlsberg will now be joined by The Coca-Cola Company, The Absolut Company and L’Oréal in a paper bottle community launched by Paboco®.

Image credits: Carlsberg Group

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