MG2 smart design

For MG2 the most recent edition of Achema highlighted the dynamism of the pharmaceutical market. The concern reports a 30% increase in attendance to its stand over the 2012 edition, with many visitors from northern Europe, but also an increase in operators visiting from North Africa and the Middle East.

The pharmaceutical industry was represented by a diverse set of operators, divided equally among contractors, generic manufacturers and multinationals, all of which shared a lively interest in the machines on offer. These included the Kartos I/100 cartoner, the Selekta weighing/counting machine for tablets, ACE track and trace systems and the continuous motion capsule filler Planeta 200. The latter in particular drew visitors’ attention due to its capacity for satisfying the needs of a wide clientele.

A solution “for everybody”
Planeta is suitable for contract manufacturers, who need to change products often, as well as for companies who need to dose powders or tablets with different characteristics and can take advantage of the possibility to fit different dosing units. At the same time, this capsule filler is the ideal solution for generic manufacturers, who are interested in high production levels (Planeta 200 can fill up to 200,000 capsules per hour) as well as for multinational companies, who have specific requirements to check the production in real time, and therefore appreciate the possibility to equip the machine with systems such as MultiNETT, to check in process the net weight of each dosed component into all capsules.
Another appreciated peculiarity are the machine’s containment options: the standard version features a clear separation between technical and production zones.

Moreover, it is possible to employ Wet-In-Place and Wash/Clean-In-Place systems, combined with isolators which guarantee isolation up to the highest level.
Finally, the machine was well-received thanks to its design, aimed at perfect integration in different production contexts, while also guaranteeing high accessibility. Planeta 200 features a greatly reduced footprint, and its components were developed and manufactured according to smart design principles, in order to make it as simple, compact and functional as possible.

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