Storage facilities: from sleeves to photpolymers

The successful Sleeves Storage System produced by Due Emme comes with new features and, in addition to the sleeve, it can now store boxes of photopolymers, thus becoming a real service center to be positioned in the plate mounting area.

Its storage capacity is very high even for photopolymers: considering boxes of 80 x 4 x 120 cm, containing about 12 photopolymers of 2 mm thickness each, its capacity per rack is well over 1600 photopolymers. The boxes are placed on multilevel shelving, in a structure-accessory that can be configured and disassembled easily, enabling the intended use of the rack or a part thereof to be changed anytime.

Furthermore, in Sleeves Storage System the box overlap is minimal, facilitating their extraction. Hence, considering a classic 5 rack storage facilities and photopolymers dimensioned as above, in less than 14 square meters over 8,000 photopolymers can be stored.
Of course, the maximum number of items that the storage facilities is able to accommodate varies depending on their sizes and thicknesses; the system however always enables storage in a practical, organized manner, and in one place of both the sleeves and the plates.

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