Morato Pane makes acquisitions in Italy and Spain

Morato Pane, a Vicenza-based company operating in the packaged bakery goods market, recently completed two acquisitions concurrently.

One is Roberto, a company specialising in the production of breadsticks, and the other Cerealto Siro Foods, a Spanish company based in Palencia specialising in savoury bakery products.

According to Morato Pane’s CEO Stefano Maza, the two operations will result in a consolidated turnover of approximately €250 million, ranking the group second in its segment in Italy after Barilla and opening up major opportunities for export growth (currently almost 30% of the company’s turnover).

Amongst its development strategies, Morato intends to strengthen its international presence in European and North American markets, where it is evaluating a number of investments. Cerealto-Siro will act as a hub to serve potential markets such as France and the UK.

Image credits: Morato Pane via Facebook

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