Marr posts strong 2019 results including €1.7 billion revenue

MARR (Cremonini Group), the largest specialist Italian distributor of food products to the non-domestic catering sector, has reported an upturn in its business results.
In 2019, the company posted consolidated revenues of €1,695.8 million (compared to €1,667.4 million in 2018) and EBITDA and EBIT margins of €128.5 million and €99.1 million respectively. Net profits amounted to €66.6 million.
Breaking down the results across the company’s various business segments, Commercial and Mass Catering was the largest category (€1,424.2 million compared to €1,394.1 million in 2018), of which € 1,128.2 million was generated in the Street Market category (restaurants and hotels not belonging to Groups or Chains) and €296 million by National Accounts (operators in organised commercial catering and mass catering sectors). Sales to Wholesale customers dropped to €242.4 million (€249 million in 2018).
Thanks to its extensive logistics and distribution network operating throughout Italy (35 distribution centres, 5 cash & carry outlets, 4 agents with warehouses and more than 750 vehicles), Marr is now working in the front line of the coronavirus emergency response to guarantee an adequate level of service in all areas of non-domestic food consumption, including public and healthcare services such as hospitals and care homes.