+ 10% for Cosmoprof Asia

The largest beauty fair in Asia Pacific closed edition number 18 (Hong Kong, 13th-15th November 2013) with a further significant increase in both exhibitors (2,168 from 43 countries, + 10%) and visitors (60.985, +10%).

In particular, operators have increased from the USA (10%) and European countries such as Germany (+27%), Italy (+19%) and Spain (+23%), and the emerging markets of Asia Pacific (+71% India,+ 21 Malaysia, +12% Vietnam). Double-digit growth for Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Organized by Bologna Fiere-Sogecos along with UBM Asia Ltd, this year their was an even greater range of products on show, a specific area being dedicated for the first time to the  “Nail & Accessories”  field which hosted 128 companies.

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