I can’t begin this editorial, my first as director of ItaliaImballaggio, without thanking Stefano Lavorini, who in 1994 – guided by taste, intuition and a heightened (especially social) sensitivity, founded this magazine, and made it great thanks to the fundamental help of Luciana Guidotti, co-director, and a close-knit team.
An entire pavilion dedicated to machines; more space for ingredients and fragrances; renewed attention towards contractors… Plus, training opportunities for the supply chain, a focus on technological trends, sustainability and all-round innovation. Antonia Benvegnù introduces us to the 2025 edition of the Cosmopack show; renewed and increasingly structured.
Elisabeta Tzvetkova TVB was born in Bulgaria. She has lived and worked in Monza since 2000; in 2002 she graduated at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.
Ladies and Gentlemen… Miserendino! I’m jokingly echoing the comment made (probably) by Max Yasgur, organiser of the Woodstock concert of 1969, during which Carlos Santana made his debut on the international scene, playing Soul Sacrifice.
The history of Lavazza, the global coffee producer and sector leader, is permeated with a structured approach to sustainability that goes beyond “simple” solutions and embraces the complexity of the question. We here report our conversation with Francesca Squillace, who takes stock of regulations and consumer habits.
The opportunity to look at things with a touch of optimism came to me thanks to the casual discovery of a personal and professional life plan that aims to discover different and possible forms of happiness, interviewing women and men throughout the six continents.
Era meglio morire da piccoli/ suicidarsi col cavaturaccioli/ soffocarsi con tanti batuffoli/ che vedere ‘sto schifo da grandi/…
(It was better to die young/ to commit suicide with a corkscrew/ or suffocate yourself with lots of cotton balls/ than to see this crap when you grow up/…)
“Flessibile, un packaging da raccontare” (Flexible, a packaging worth talking about) was the title of Giflex’s Annual Conference, held in Rome with the presence of almost 300 participants. Promoted with the support of Coim, Ipack-Ima 2025 and Rossini, it offered an opportunity for exchange and updating on vital issues for the sector.
Gabriele Buratti “Buga” was born in Milan on 8 August 1964. When he was a boy, he used to watch his father and grandfather, both master jewellers in the Milan craft tradition, working material.
La storia siamo noi, (We are history) sang Francesco De Gregori. History is a catalogue of facts, of actions performed by human beings, and not abstract dates and concepts.
«The PPWR marks a turning point for the paper sector: while the regulation imposes challenges, it also opens significant doors for our technological solution ».
Elisa Cella, born in Genoa in 1974, she’s an artist with a scientific academic background (she studied Mathematics in the faculty of Sciences of the State University of Milan, after obtaining the high school diploma in scientific studies, Ed.) and has always worked at the crossroads between biology and art.
At the end of a process that has seen the involvement of the European Parliament, the Industry and Environment commissions, the European Council, the Trilogue phase between these two European institutions, the Commission and finally once more the Parliament, the new Packaging Regulation was definitively approved at the end of April 2024.
Peter Hide 311065 (Franco Crugnola) nasce a Varese nel 1965. Creativo di professione, concepisce e progetta con la moglie il primo e-book della storia nel 1992 (INCIPIT).
“State contenti, umana gente” al quia;/chè, se potuto aveste veder tutto,/mestier non era parturir Maria” (“Be content, then, all you mortals, with the quia,/for could you, on your own, have understood,/there was no need for Mary to give birth”).
A year has now passed since Giacomo Mariotti, Country Manager, told ItaliaImballaggio about Jaka Robotics’s first steps in the Italian market, in which the Chinese producer of collaborative robots with its European headquarters in Germany, is today a recognized and consolidated brand thanks to important strategic partnerships and a constant growth in market share.