All4Pack Paris 26-29 November 2018, Paris Nord Villepinte, Paris

Packaging + Processing + Printing + Logistics: All4Pack Paris offers a complete offer, in line with a market integration strategy that enhances the synergistic interactions of the packaging ecosystem.

From raw materials to intralogistics without forgetting end of line, the packaging universe is a global, connected and constantly evolving production chain supported by the opportunities offered by industry 4.0 and by the new trends in multi-channel B2B and B2C commerce.
To offer itself as an international showcase, and dedicated to all product sectors, All4Pack Paris - organized by Comexposium - focuses on an integrated offer for the entire supply chain: processing, packaging, marking and coding machines, innovative packs and containers, but also raw materials, printing and labels, machines for secondary, tertiary and shipping packaging. An
ample space for intralogistics: continuous management, automated and IT systems, storage and equipment for warehouse, lifting, forklift trucks. At the end of November 2018, 87,000 operators are expected in the four days dedicated to technological matching and innovation. 

Quality of contents with a French touch. In addition to the quality of the offer, the 2018 edition of the Paris exhibition aims to create an ideal framework for establishing new business relations, thanks to match-making and meeting initiatives, including informal ones. A specific program will be dedicated to a selection of 1,500 European and African top buyers, with significant investment potential, to facilitate their meeting with exhibitors capable of providing adequate solutions for their projects. Professional show and business accelerator, All4Pack Paris also wants to contribute to the debate and further examination of the hot topics of packaging, with a rich proposal of contents and collateral events, many of which dedicated to innovation.


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