Federazione Confindustria Macchine, let's get started


With the election of Riccardo Cavanna as president for the 2025-2027 term and the simultaneous first general meeting of members, Confindustria Macchine has officially set sail.

On Tuesday, January 28, the first major public event of the new federation within the Confindustria system took place at the NH Milan Congress Centre in Milanofiori. The full name of the federation, reflecting its four founding members - Acimac, Acimall, Amaplast and Ucima - is Confindustria Macchine for Ceramics, Wood, Plastics and Rubber, Packaging and Processing.

The four founding members. From left: Massimo Margaglione (Amaplast), Enrico Aureli (Acimall), Paolo Lamberti (Acimac), and Riccardo Cavanna (Ucima)

Each of the federated sectors represents an excellence of Made in Italy, a global benchmark for their respective client industries, with strong export percentages. The total combined revenue of the new federation exceeds 18 billion euros (based on the 2024 preliminary figures published by the four associations), generated by approximately 1.300 companies employing nearly 70.000 people.

"Today, we are launching the future", declared newly elected president Cavanna. "A future we have worked hard for over the past years. The establishment of the Confindustria Macchine marks the beginning of a new era. Here, we can amplify our talents and ambitions to strengthen each of the sectors we represent: services, communication and industry promotion, lobbying activities, and synergies to tackle the major challenges of the future of industrial manufacturing, such as ecological transition and artificial intelligence. In a rapidly changing world, we felt the need for a stronger and more specialized political representation for our four sectors, dedicated to the production and supply of capital goods. I would also like to thank my fellow Presidents of the other Associations, who have honored me with their trust and nominated me as the sole candidate".

Finally, the newly elected president extended an invitation to other capital goods associations.

"To those observing our project, I simply say: let’s create this new initiative together. As entrepreneurs, presidents, and directors, we not only have the pleasure but also the duty to dream big because our companies need to dream big alongside us".

Roundtable discussion

To mark the first General Assembly of the newly established organization, a roundtable discussion on the future of Italian instrumental mechanics was held, moderated by journalist Ilaria Vesentini. The event featured contributions from Maurizio Marchesini, Confindustria vice president for Labor and Industrial Relations; Lara Ponti, Confindustria vice president for Environmental Transition and Esg Goals; and Marco Nocivelli, Confindustria vice president for Industrial Policies and Made in Italy.

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