Greennovation, the digital event

From 24th to 26th November you can immerse yourself in the technological evolution of Robopac and OCME in their digital Tech-hub platform. A virtual appointment not to be missed!

During Greennovation exclusive solutions will be presented, in which the "green" technologies of the latest generation will prove the best optimization of productivity in compliance with eco-sustainability issues, with consequent saving in terms of energy resources and packaging material.

On this link you can sign-up to access the event and to interact and discover how sustainability and technology can cooperate for your company.

Greennovation by Robopac and OCME is an important opportunity to discover their main innovations designed primarily for the Food & Beverage sectors. Here is the program.

The live events of November 24th

Polaris - Pack2Green, 12:00 p.m. (CET)

Pack2Green: the plastic-free solution to pack cans at high speed

Polaris is the new innovative packaging machine developed by OCME to meet the increasingly frequent market demand for packaging with fully recyclable materials.

End of line high speed, 3:00 p.m. (CET)

End of line solutions for high speed presented by  technical experts, that will explain how the latest Robopac stretch-wrapping technologies can  help to boost productivity, by integrating the end of line with laser guided vehicles developed by OCME.

The live events of November 25th

Dimac Nova, 10:00 a.m. (CET)

Dimac Nova is the new range of shrink-wrappers developed by Robopac; you will be able to see live demonstrations of 2 different models: one dedicated to film only or film and pad packs and the other one running with film and tray packs.

Altair HT, 3:00 p.m. (CET)

Altair HT is the fastest wrap-around case packer in the world by OCME, which allows operating with 100 cartons per minute.

The live events of November 26th

End-of-line Food, 10:00 a.m. (CET)

End of line solutions for the food industry: Aetna Group, thanks to the integration of Sotemapack, Robopac and OCME experience specialized in the different segments of the end of line, will present in this session the new and extremely compact solution dedicated to the food industry.

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