Pharmintech 2025
A complete technological trade fair for the Life Sciences industries on show in Pharmintech - Powered by Ipack Ima. Simone Castelli, CEO of Ipack Ima, talks to us about the new edition.

Scheduled for 27 to 30 May 2025, Pharmintech by Ipack Ima is the important appointment with the most innovative solutions for the Life Science world aimed at companies with an international outlook.
«The focus of the 2025 edition will be on the entire supply chain relevant to the sector» begins Simone Castelli, CEO of Ipack Ima. «From processing to packaging, from components to sterile rooms, from applications for plant management to digital technologies and automation for data management, there is no element of the supply chain that is not considered in the exhibition offer, which has the objective of guaranteeing a complete overview of the market, directed at the pharmaceutical, para-pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology community but also to the cosmeceutical and nutraceutical community ».

Two success stories in a joint venture
Pharmintech’s strength lies in its capacity to represent the sector in its entirety, thanks also to the renewal, for the next two editions, of the joint venture between BolognaFiere, owner of the brand, and IPACK-IMA, organiser of the show, which deploys its supply chain networking potential in the packaging & processing world.
It’s an agreement arising out of listening to the needs of the industry and which has proved a winning formula.
«The strategic union came out of the success of the previous edition» Castelli continues. «We will associate Pharmintech again with IPACK-IMA, with the aim of creating synergies between similar industrial segments, in which the interests of visitors and exhibitors often coincide, thereby increasing opportunities for the entire sector. This aspect emerged during the previous edition, confirming the choice of holding the two shows simultaneously, maintaining the three-yearly cadence, in itself connected to the normal development cycle of technologies for the pharmaceutical world. The watchwords for the 2025 edition will be, in fact, technology, sustainability and digitalisation ».

An exponentially growing market that makes a date for Milan
According to the MECS research centre, the global pharmaceutical packaging machinery sector is today worth 6.6 billion euros, and sees Italy in the top positions. The market is, in fact, expected to grow most in the US according to the statistics, followed by China, Japan and Italy; it’s a dynamic context in which new business opportunities for over 70 million euros from now to 2025 are forecast.
These figures, moreover, confirm the leadership role played by our country, as Castelli explains:
«It should be pointed out that the Italian pharmaceutical industry has today reached a value of production of 49 billion euros, and that we Italians are playing an increasingly key role in the innovation paths of the sector. Suffice it to recall the development, in 1967, of the pharmaceutical blister pack and, in the same year, the introduction of the first continuous motion machine that revolutionized the world market of filling technologies: two entirely Italian inventions. This is why Pharmintech is a natural reservoir of innovation and the right place to experience the best of technology for the chemical-pharmaceutical industry ».