Common roots

A well-rooted tree but with many different leaves: an image that evokes Boxmarche’s approach to doing business and which was the common theme of the event during which the Corinaldo-based company presented the Living Company Report 2023, besides inaugurating the “Bosco di Fonte Mora” (Fonte Mora Wood).

Right on time, and in line with a tradition that goes back over twenty years, Boxmarche presented at the beginning of July its Living Company Report, the reporting document that integrates the financial statements and the sustainability report.

Its chairman, Tonino Dominici - who this year celebrates fifty years of his career - had the task of introducing the event titled “Common Roots”, to underline the value of sustainability, a theme very dear to the packaging company based in Corinaldo (AN).

«We are increasingly convinced that the growth of an enterprise, a community or a territory is not possible without serious and constant attention towards sustainability, understood in its broadest economic, social and environmental sense» explained Dominici. This is why, in the preface to the Report, Dominici himself states how it is necessary «to develop strong and profound common roots, able to nourish that “tree symbol” (the company), lush with diverse and wonderful leaves».

A “special edition” Report. Cesare Tomassetti, Boxmarche’s ESG Expert for more than twenty years and Elisa Bacchiocchi, Quality, Environment and Sustainability manager of the Corinaldo-based company, presented the 2023 Financial Statements and the Sustainability Report. For this special edition, the Integrated Report was, in fact, drawn up according to the new VSME ESRS (Voluntary Small Medium Enterprises European Sustainability Reporting Standards) standard which flanks the GRI Standard, making Boxmarche one of the first companies in Europe to have chosen and supported the objectives underpinning the new standard directed to SMEs: to contribute to a sustainable and inclusive economy, improve the management of sustainability issues, provide information to facilitate access to funding and, last but not least, meet the demand for data on the part of large enterprises.

Stills of an event. Organised by the Senigallia-based DMP Concept communication agency, the Boxmarche event was attended by illustrious figures from the culture, university and business worlds, who discussed in various capacities the concrete possibilities for promoting a sustainable and balanced society.

The evening was present by the sociologist Massimiliano Colombi, who introduced the contribution of historian Eros Gregorini, President of the Succisa Virescit “Maria Baldassarri” Foundation. Gregorini presented the study and origin of the cabreo, the 17th century cadastral map, which inspired the recent acquisition of 8,824 sq.m. of agricultural land by Boxmarche. Situated in the ancient district of Cervignano, the terrain is now the “Fonte Mora Wood”, where the company has planted over 100 trees of native species, each dedicated to an employee, creating a protected green area intended to become a place of recreational activities for all Corinaldo’s citizens. After the official inauguration of the public wood, pupils and Maestri of the Bettino Padovano Music School of Senigallia performed the piece “Alberi” (“Trees”), composed for the occasion by the maestro from Corinaldo, Massimo Morganti. To properly seal its commitment to the community and the environment, during the convivial dinner, Boxmarche gave the guests a tree seed contained in a biodegradable box.

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