CAC for steel and wood to be reduced

As of April 1 2015 the environmental contributions for steel and wood packaging are to be reduced.

The CONAI Board of Directors, having heard the opinion of the Consortiums Ricrea and Rilegno, approved the reduction of the Environmental Contributions for packaging steel and wood and consequently for some flat-rate procedures. The reduction applies as of 1 April 2015.
The Contribution for steel thus goes from 26.00 euros/ton to 21.00 euros/ton, the contribution for wood from 8.00 euros/ton to 7.00 euros/ton.

This is an important cost reduction signal for over one million associated packaging producing and user businesses, which will continue to ensure the retrieval of municipal packaging waste throughout the country and payment to the municipalities of the fees laid down in the new ANCI-CONAI Framework Agreement (400 million euros estimated for 2014). Thanks to the activities of CONAI and sector consortiums, backing and giving impetus to the exploitation of packaging materials from municipal collection, today in Italy 3 out of every 5 packs are recovered, where only 1 in 3 were recovered in 1998. Over the past 15 years the recovery scenario in Italy has changed dramatically: in 1998 only 33.2% of packaging placed on the market was recovered for exploitation, today the figure stands at 77.5%. For any further information or clarification, companies can call the toll free number CONAI 800-337799.

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