A double anniversary

In 2016 Ensinger achieved two important goals: if in June the Group celebrated half a century of activity, together with staff from all branches, long-time part-ners and guests of honour from the world of German politics and economics, the following month, together with its employees, Ensinger Italia celebrated 25 years of the life of the branch.

 Created in 1966 by Wilfried Ensinger in a garage, the company is now an international player active in the plastics industry with more than 2,300 employees and partners worldwide and a turnover of 391 million euros. The Italian branch, the third-largest after those of Germany and the UK, with 48 employees, a warehouse of 4,000 square meters and a depot in Piedimonte San Germano (FR), offers a comprehensive portfolio that can meet the needs of many  industrial sectors.


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