Lidia Cattaneo is Entrepreneur of the year

Among the ten “printing Oscars” distributed to as many protagonists of the graphics, paper&cardboard production and converting industry during the closing ceremony of “la Vedovella” awards (Milan, November 9th), the one assigned to Lidia Cattaneo has a special, exclusive flavor.
Founder - and heart and soul - of Eurolabel, she was declared “Entrepreneur of the year”, which, for an industrial sector with precious little gender equality, represents a true mark of distinction, if not a break with

long-standing custom.As a matter of fact, under Ms. Cattaneo’s leadership, Eurolabel has been able to evolve over time in order to become one of the most important organizations in the world in the production of adhesive labels, sleeves, and for some time now, Rfid systems as well.
The credit certainly goes to Cattaneo’s consistent policy of total quality, research and innovation, but also to that open and far-sighted vision which, among other things, led her in 1989 to found Gipea (Italian Self-Adhesive Label Manufacturers’ Group, part of Assografici), of which she was president for various years. As always, she was joined by her husband Eugenio Brambilla, who competently and tenaciously supports her enterprise.





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