Logistics Think Tank: looking ahead to the next step

Assologistica has responded to the appeal from Ebilog and Freight Leaders Council to set up a Logistics Think Tank (TTL), a team of experts and entrepreneurs tasked with constructively addressing the challenges of logistics in the post-coronavirus period.

As demonstrated during the current challenging period for Italy, the sector provides the essential framework behind industry, exports and the daily lives of citizens.

“We fully support the highly commendable initiative launched by Ebilog and Freight Leader Council, in the awareness that although we are now facing a truly extraordinary emergency, we need to start thinking about how to approach the reconstruction efforts that await us once the current difficult situation is over,” said Andrea Gentile, chairman of Assologistica.  “It’s important to start thinking now about the actions that institutions, companies and the country as a whole will have to take in order not to undermine the enormous efforts and sacrifices currently being made by the world of logistics and transport.”

The start-up meeting was held by videoconference on 24 March. About 40 stakeholders, including industry associations, study centres, universities and research and statistical institutes, have already signed up to the initiative and appointed representatives to take part in the TTL Working Group.

The project coordinated by the Freight Leaders Council, a Rome-based association led by Massimo Marciani, will draw up a roadmap for emerging from the current crisis scenario while taking account of the critical issues involved.

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