A meeting on the bag-in-box

Speakers from industry and commerce, design and the university animated the recent meeting that Boxmarche dedicated to this packaging system. With the grande finale of CreativityBox.

Communication, eco-sustainability and capacity of storing wine for long periods. These features, that make the bag-in-box a high-performance, widely popular packaging system, were the focus of the talks given at the conference organized last July 2 by Boxmarche SpA, with very positive feedback in terms of interest and popularity.
The objective was to facilitate the meeting and interaction between all stakeholders along the supply chain by involving the main Italian wine producers, international producers and importers, opinion leaders, bag manufacturers and packaging design agencies, who met to discuss technical manufacturing, marketing and sales issues.

Supply chain interventions. After the welcome to participants given by Tonino Dominici, CEO and president of Boxmarche and the presentation by company commercial director Alessandro Levy Bacchielli, the Sacmi group GM Giuliano Puglia presented the automatic “Ultra Clean” filling system. Other reports followed, all made by renowned experts in the field: Richard Barrett, vice president of Scholle Packaging (data and global trends of the bag-in-box, and performance of new materials developed in Scholle); Silvio Barbero, vice president of the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo and of Slow Food Italy (the sustainability of the bag-in-box); Elin Ellann, managing director of the Norwegian wine importer Target Wines, followed by Urban Karlstam, CEO of the Swedish graphic design agency Motherland Branding & Design (correlation between design and sales); Davide Perini, Boxmarche innovation manager (the “Design Thinking” approach and the innovations introduced by Box Marche on this type of container); Michele Bischi and Alessia Uguccioni from the Boxmarche marketing department (proposals of cases for bag-in-box that emerged from the Packaging Design contest CreativityBox).

Challenge and opportunity. The competition in question was organized by Boxmarche earlier this year and drew a significant amount of entries, stimulating ideas and encouraging exchanges.
Several universities and colleges have in fact gone into a number of issues raised by paper industry customers in the Marches, proposing new project solutions or the restyling of existing products, often involving the bag-in-box. CreativityBox has therefore created a link between business and universities, suggesting new perspectives and original ideas to companies and offering higher education institutes a valuable opportunity for exchanges with the world of work.

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