Opportunities arising from skills and knowhow

Good prospects for closing the year

Volpak (Coesia company), headquartered in Barcelona (E) designs and markets automatic machines for packaging in flexible pouch bags.

During the lockdown period, Volpak operated in compliance with the provisions of the Spanish government: as the company works in the sectors of primary necessity, it has kept production active, but immediately adopted strict safety measures.

The protocols for accessing Volpak currently involve measuring body temperature, washing hands, using gloves and masks and maintaining a distance of at least 2 meters between one person and another. The work areas are also constantly disinfected by certified companies.

Smart working has been privileged wherever possible. Even before the Covid-19 emergency, the company favored remote forms of work and the crisis triggered by the pandemic consolidated this trend. At present it is difficult to predict how the situation will evolve in the long run, but it is plausible to think that remote work will be privileged wherever possible.

Indeed, the crisis has not impacted production but, on the contrary, has brought new opportunities. Volpak is in fact traditionally linked to the various categories of the Food and Personal Care sector, with specific expertise in the field of disinfectant wipes. In recent months, all these sectors have seen considerable growth, both through the organized distribution channel and in the e-commerce sector. This has led to a great demand for machines and systems for processing and packaging. The period of crisis has also seen a great deal of commercial work, to consolidate the relationship with historical customers and at the same time develop links with new realities. All this combined with the traditional technological vocation of the company. Volpak has always focused on research and development and on the flexibility of its solutions. Its portfolio of machines is wide and diversified, offering the possibility of effectively serving various needs, both in terms of types of packaging and production performance. All this has enabled the providing effective answers to market requests which, especially in times like these, are constantly evolving.

Today, the company has 47% more orders than the corresponding period in 2019, with good prospects for the closure of the current year and for 2021.

Find out more information about the companies mentioned in this article and published in the Buyers' Guide - PackBook by ItaliaImballaggio

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