Packaging according to Nendo

Japanese packaging is never downbeat. it is always aesthetically perfect, conceptually innovative, technically correct, graphically elegant. As if to say packaging with a soul. The much acclaimed designer Nendo has come up with some very interesting solutions.

1 Week Salad

“1 week salad” is a strongly innovatory system of packaging created and devised by Nendo for the eponymous brand of biological salad.
1 week salad is a young company created by Toshiba, after the industrial reconversion of a former factory for making semiconductors. Fulcrum of the operation was the reuse of the aseptic clean room to cultivate and pack biological salad.
Thanks to the long wave fluorescent light, to air conditioning controlled by a sophisticated infra-red surveillance system that monitors the growth of the produce at all times, as well as a special system for sterilizing the packaging, Toshiba has managed to guarantee an annual production of a salad that can be kept in the fridge for around a week, due to the fact that it has never come into contact with insects or bacteria.
To show the natural freshness of the product, the designer chose transparent plastic containers, like those used for smoothies and shakes.
To indicate the date by which the product is to be consumed, he also designed a colored shaped large number, theatrically placed inside a transparent dome, as if a pop-up. The salad is offered every day with a different dressing (like fortune cookies or Baci Perugina) along with a little thought on which to meditate concealed within the card bearing the date.


Three actions and this simple fabric pack turns into a bag. This is Giftote-bag, a fine gift pack designed to enjoy a second life; a cloth bag, offered in three different sizes and with a long and sturdy colored belt (six colors available), to be reconstructed – once the gift has been unwrapped – by passing the belt through special eyelets so as to create an adjustable handle and hence, to reuse it as a shopping bag. Giftote-bag is packaging true and proper, made trying to keep production costs as low as possible, reducing processing phases and stitched parts down to a minimum.
It is a project, Nendo confides, that contemplates the happy moment when one receives an unexpected gift but also the joy of recollecting the fact while going about ones daily life.

Tsuya skin

The Tsuya skin skincareline of products by the Japanese brand Shu Uemura has a prerogative: guarantee women transparent skin, as smooth as porcelain and bright as a diamond, a concept that the packaging had to represent and highlight.
Thus the Japanese designer Nendo created elegant softly wavy shaped flacons, jars and tubs of a white, pearlescent luminosity. Small and sinuous cosmetic sculptures, expression of interior beauty but also the aspiration to perfection.
Photos by Akihiro Yoshida

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