For somebody… the future is already here

Invest in technology for creating quality and service capacity, best exploiting the most up-to-date and global means of communication.
Easier said then done… And yet Pixartprinting – supplier of small and large format print services on line – effectively combines these two assets.

What amazes about Pixartprinting is the speed, in every sense.
An example for all: having installed last spring three Rho P10 320r roll-to-rolls and a flatbed Rho P10 200 of the new Durst range of 10 picolitre inkjet UV printers, already in August the web-to-printer completed a further order, that of the supply of another three Rho P10 flatbeds, for a total of four systems for printing on hard substrates, all fitted with sheet feeder/remover. It will be the latter, directly installed in the new works, this too built in record time (just 6 months) that will support the growing demand for printing on packaging and display units, which the Veneto based producers is obviously responding to.

Quantity, but qualitative.
What with the increase in production capacity (what is more, Pixartprinting is printing 18 hours a day, 7 days a week on banners and microholed material with the roll-to-roll, and on all the rigid materials in the catalogue, including board, with the flatbed, Ed.), it is the performance of the Durst systems that have made the difference, enabling the printer to reach the “state-of-the-art” results desired: the Fine Art standard, obtained thanks to the 10 picolitre drop, has in fact paved the way for the production of small packaging items and counter display cases, brilliantly solving the problem of the coating “grip”.

Contact with the market. If the intelligent and shrewd use of technology is hence a decisive factor for the development of a company, the resorting to new modes of communication can open unexpected prospects. This is in fact is what happened with Pixartprinting, with its entry into the most popular social network of the moment, Facebook.
Working via the web is obviously the norm for this printer, that has made their online service the cornerstone of their business, but occupying a space on a non “professional” network might in a certain sense have been risky, from the point of view of their image and credibility.
The fact is that, in around 12 months, Pixartprinting’s Facebook page registered over 23,300 “likes”, and, what counts the most, has opened a direct channel of communication with people in the business, that interact and connect to ask information, suggesting new products offering new business opportunities.
From this very exchange for example the latest proposals for print and converting (see Puf and Pinus) and the marketing undertakings (the “free test” or the “72 h promoflash” for the special promotion of a product with a weekly due date) have come into being, that are contributing to consolidating and extending the network of potential users of Pixartprinting’s web-to-print, and this even beyond Italy’s borders. In line with the decided policy of internationalisation taken a while back, from the fortunate experience of their Italian facebook page (, the printer has in fact gone on to create a page in French and Spanish, readily taking on mothertonque personnel capable of updating the same.

N.b. To overcome the barrier of their Italian origins and to shorten the geographic distance with their customers, Pixartprinting is exploring other “social” channels: from YouTube, animated with thematic tutorials, to Pinterest to transmit visual contents; and Twitter for recruitment via LinkedIn.


PUF… cardboard turns into a comfortable seat: a furnishing solution with personalisable graphics with delivery in 24 hours. Made in EF 3 mm corrugated cardboard, measuring 35x35 x 45 cm(h), PUF can even withstand weights of 100 kg. Practical and easy to assembly, it is printed only on the front and protected by shiny plastification. A broad range of images are available online. A template can be downloaded free to personalise the PUF with ones own graphics.

Pinus is an eco-friendly proposal for Christmas: made out of EF 3 mm corrugated cardboard, a mini Christmas tree or one 150 cm high, with circular holes for hooking up Christmas decorations.

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