Upload & Print for printing online

Pixartprinting  presented its own success story at the  Southern European Print Congress 2015 (Barcelona, 11 March) in a talk entitled “Upload & Print, the international market of a simple idea”.

The simple idea having been to transform the online printing service into a productive extension for the individual user, as if it were, to use a metaphor, a huge super-technological printer situated on the user’s desk. With this tool in fact the user simply creates and “uploads” the print file, as if the device used for loading were directly connected up to the Pixartprinting print department.
Hence at a click everyone has at their disposal the best and most up-to-date systems available on the market: Pixartprinting in fact uses latest generation machines, often provided by manufacturers in the preview version or tailor made to the needs of Italian web to print. Ultimate goal: ensure its customers high quality standards, innovation, competitive prices and timely execution anytime, anywhere.

At the basis of the business model of the Veneto company -  Andrea Pizzola, Sales & Marketing Director di Pixartprinting  reiterated during the conference - is our appraisal of the needs of the single customer and a precise “localisation” of the service, that considers the needs of the market along with the cultural background of each country.

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