When plastic is circular

Organized by the Graphic Committee of Como, the conference “Circular Economy, sustainability and future of packaging” was held on 13 November at the Unindustria headquarters.

Elia Gerosa (president of the Graphic Committee of Como and technical director and production of Cellografica Gerosa) did the honors. The evening, moderated by the magazine COM.PACK, saw the speeches by Antonio Protopapa (director of research and development at Corepla), Stefano Cavallo (business development manager at NatureWorks) and Rodolfo Cattoi (director of the laboratory at Montello). To them the merit of having provided - respectively - information on the technological challenges in the recycling of plastic packaging, on the alternatives offered by materials such as polylactic acid compared to traditional plastics, and data and scenarios about the selection and recycling of food packaging waste.


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