Cosmopack preview: how and why
The great beauty by ItaliaImballaggio
Almost an exhortation to overcome the serious uncertainties we are experiencing, thinking of a Cosmopack in presence allows us to take stock of the made in Italy innovation of an entire production chain which - we remember - contributes to the national economy, invests in research, offers jobs to qualified resources, guarantees well-being, safety and beauty.
In short ... "an industry that is good for the country" in many senses.
For this reason we have involved the companies that will give life to the event in Bologna so that they can preview the technological solutions, products and services developed to respond to the needs of the cosmetic world, today and tomorrow.
From the statements released by our interlocutors it emerges that the search for sustainability (environmental and social) is a constant that no one can ignore, as well as the awareness of the regenerating power of the cosmetic product and the totalizing sensory experiences that it is able to stimulate.
The technological developments highlighted in the various areas of expertise go hand in hand with careful planning of processing and supplies, which is making it possible to manage critical issues well in advance...
Find out more in the sections packaging, machines, third party services, trends ...