IPACK-IMA vision

Support to investments and green transition: the exhibition platform dedicated to processing & packaging, headed by Ipack Ima Srl, interprets the changes taking place in the manufacturing industry, acting as an international meeting point and forum.
With the New National Transition Plan 4.0, the support to the Italian manufacturing system continues, with a particular focus on connectivity, circular economy and research, supported by measures extended until the end of 2022.
In addition to the tax credits already provided regarding investments in capital goods, the new plan expands the program to support investments in R&D, as well as innovation, design and training projects.
These are important tools to support the Italian manufacturing system that, in the coming months, will experience a phase of profound change in order to seize the opportunities arising from the transformations underway.

Rossano Bozzi, CEO of Ipack Ima Srl, the international platform specialized in processing&packaging in the food and non-food sectors, underlines the role and mission of trade fair events, crucial for the restart.
«We intend to best represent the phases of transformation that the industry will see in the coming months and that will be presented to the market in the two appointments we have scheduled. I am referring first of all to MEAT-TECH, which from October 22 to 26 will offer specialists in the meat, cured meats and ready meals industry the opportunity to take stock of a 2021, in which the watchword is innovation: an opportunity to look to the future, thanks to the comparison with international operators who will be present at the fair.
And then - the manager says - IPACK- IMA, scheduled in Milan from May 3 to 6, 2022, which can represent an important moment of aggregation for the industry, associations, research centers and institutions that will have the opportunity to discuss the concepts that will feature in the market of durable goods and FMCG in the coming years».
The impact of the measures currently envisaged in the 4.0 transition plan, which may be significantly enhanced within the framework of European interventions on innovation and the green economy, may be significant due to the breadth of the application horizon which, starting from research and design, inevitably involves the materials supply chain.
«Italy is at the forefront in this direction. In fact, we have won worldwide leadership in the field of process and packaging technology producers - explains Bozzi - who at our fairs will meet up with their competitors and international partners; but Italy also expresses excellence in design and in the search for innovative materials».
We are therefore talking about a connected system, which includes the circular economy and which cannot disregard recycling actions, where Italy, according to Eurostat data, is first in the recovery of waste, both industrial and urban, with a share of 79% and with values double the European average of 39%.
«The MEAT-TECH and IPACK-IMA events - concludes Bozzi - stand as an ideal space for discussion of these issues, as well as a meeting platform between the global manufacturing industry, brand owners and the most important suppliers of processing&packaging solutions, ready to intercept the demand for innovative applications that the measures of support, already operational and being defined, will encourage for the two-year period 2021-2022».