With Italiaimballaggio, discounted admission to Cosmoprof


Among the services made available by Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna for the 2025 edition of the event is the discount code that readers of ItaliaImballaggio.it and Packmedia.net can take advantage of by following the instructions below.

The discount code - CPAK2179GJ - must be activated online by each user and will allow the purchase of a ticket at a discounted rate based on the number of visit days selected:

  • Discount rate: 1 day, €30.00;
  • Discount rate: 2 days, €48.00;
  • Discount rate: 3 to 4 days, €78.00.

How to activate the discount code

To purchase the discounted rate ticket for Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, each purchaser must:

  1. Register on the Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna website or access the RESERVED AREA directly by logging.
  2. Select the TICKETING item within your restricted area and then click on the 'ACTIVATE YOUR CODE' button.
  3. Enter the code to purchase the discount ticket online.

Pay attention to the rules for entry

Finally, we call your attention to the fact that:

  • Each user registered with their email address can activate the discount code only once; 
  • Presentation of only the Discount Code or an e-mail does not allow entry to Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna. In fact, it is strictly necessary to show up at the event already equipped with your admission ticket, which will be downloadable exclusively through the online ticket office.
  • If the above procedure is not followed, it will be necessary to purchase a full-price ticket to enter the fair.

 Enjoy the fair!

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