From ITP research, efficient solutions with low environmental impact

The new brand PackRevolution created by ITP includes a range of innovative and sustainable films for food packaging, the result of a constant research and development work that has engaged the company in recent years, with the aim of achieving the “green revolution” able to transform the future of flexible packaging production.

PackRevolution branded solutions have a very low impact on the environment in terms of CO2, thanks to the use of raw materials from renewable sources or industrial and post-consumer waste, or in view of the possibility of 100% recycling, their certified compostability, or through a significant reduction in thickness.
In this regard, a reminder in brief of the ITP products that are part of the PackRevolution range: RecytermoPCR (heat-shrinkable film, with a recycled post-consumer waste count); RecyBariflex (recyclable mono film composed of a single layer of barrier PE that does not compromise its recyclability); PP co-extruded films, barrier solutions, low sealing and anti-fog, for BOPP lami-nation.
Focus on Paper G. The Paper G project by ITP represents an innovative solution in the packaged meat sector. The hot application of a thin PE film on a card-board tray allows to eliminate up to 80% of plastic and to replace the tradi-tional trays. The food can be anchored over the cardboard tray by means of a lid or a film skin.