Track & Trace according to MG2

Serialization systems and European legislation.

The obligation to adhere to the standards required by the Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD)  started on 9 February, meaning it’s serialization time for the European pharmaceutical products market. MG2's technological response.

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Serialization is a topic on which MG2 has been active for several years, with the development of systems that comply with the international standards required for traceability.

To demonstrate the historic Pianoro based company’s commitment to this issue, we start be citing their  intervention at the Processing & Packaging Summit during the Interphex fair in New York, with a focus on Track & Trace systems and on-line integration.

The Summit, dedicated to the sharing of knowhow and innovative technologies, took place at the MG America stand on 2 and 3 April 2019, involving different experts who dealt with various issues of current relevance for the industry, such as continuous manufacturing and pharmaceutical handling.


A unique code and tamper evident labels
MG2 proposes the ACE series of Track & Trace systems, which enable the marking and verification at the end of the line of products packaged in cartons, bottles and bundles.
The system prints a unique identification code on each element, subsequently verifying and rejecting it in the event of non-compliance. The speed varies depending on the version, reaching up to 400 cartons per minute of the ACE CT/400 model.

All the ACE series machines can be equipped with tamper evident units, to verify the non-violation of the packaging through the application of labels or stickers, and integrated with weight verification units. To these, based on customer requests, printing systems (inkjet or laser) and verification codes of the most famous suppliers can be added.

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Aggregation systems
The aggregation can be performed using the GSL10 horizontal casepacker model, with B30 and GRP palletizers, which complete the line and the automatic traceability process.

These machines are designed for the insertion of vision systems covering feed operations for reading the serial codes printed on each product, printing management systems, application and verification of the  label on the outgoing case, automatically rejecting non-compliant products.

MG2 also guarantees an additional plus, that is the maximum flexibility of the integration of its solutions in already existing lines, to extend the capacity of the systems already in operation.

Pharmaceutical products: A European verification system
The commercial value of counterfeit drugs reached astonishing figures in 2017, with almost 600 million euros of goods seized at Customs that year. The theme is therefore central to the pharmaceutical market - on the one hand regarding the economic aspects but, aboveall, the safety of the patient's health - to which we intend to respond by imposing the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS).
In practice, the European Union has decided to put a stop to the phenomenon of counterfeiting, imposing on the Member States a path of modernization of the production lines with serialization systems, which allow the traceability of products.
At the head of the process, the EMVO (European Medicine Verification Organization) with its organizational declinations in the member states that, with different conformation dates, have the obligation to implement the new system, integrating it into their own control procedures.


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