X-ray inspection for bio

The Austrian company Bioquelle GmbH owns a number of wellknown brands of cereals, muesli, dried fruit and nuts, as well as soya based products and food supplements; it also markets products under its own brand.

All these foods are organic and, even if the level of complaints is minimal, the company has introduced an Ishida X-ray inspection able to perform four different stages of inspection, thus ensuring the maximum safety of the consumer, considered the essential element to success on the market. In the supplier selection phase, one of the most obvious advantages shown by Ishida systems is their ability to even detect small fragments of plastic. Userfriendliness, the quality of the software and the compatibility with the other components of the line, as well as assistance and support during installation were also considered.

Functions and speed. To serve the three lines on which mixes of different foods are produced, which have compositions with different degrees of affinity and therefore present various kinds of problems, Ishida model IX-GA-2475 and model IX-GA-4075 inspection systems have been used.
The inspection systems adopted are both able to detect the presence of metal, glass, stones and hard rubber, in addition to many types of plastics.
Their effectiveness is not impaired by temperature or by the salt content of water and food. Furthermore, both are equipped with the exclusive Ishida image enhancement algorithm, that the operator can adjust to ensure an even greater detection sensitivity. A masking device enables the exclusion of specific areas of the pack from the inspection process, notably the sealing zones or those with metal strips.


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