Electric grippers with absolute encoder Series EH

Oriental Motor’s new EH Series electric gripper is driven by a rack and pinion mechanism, run by a stepper motor with integrated absolute mechanical multiturn encoder and a 24 VDC Series AZ drive.
The maximum gripper opening of 25 mm (12.5 mm for 0.02 mm step direction) and the gripping force (max. 25 N adjustable from 6 to 25 N) are programmable.
The drive communicates data to the gripper via an integrated programmer, alternatively via Modbus RS485, pulse train or EtherCAT.
The simple setting of the gripping force and gripping time, as well as the speed depending on the object to be gripped, allow a gripping force as gentle as that of a hand.
The motor approaches the load at high speed, then decelerates just before coming into contact with the surface at low speed.
The grip is safe and reliable even for objects that can easily break or deform, such as glass and plastic.