Ultrasonic sealing: safe, convenient and effective

Herrmann Ultraschall manufactures ultrasonic welding machines, generators and sonotrodes for thermoplastic parts, packaging and nonwovens.

The Packaging division at Herrmann Ultraschall offers fast and airtight ultrasonic packaging sealing solutions with a focus on high throughput and sustainability for the sealing of stand-up pouches and flatpouches, form-fill-seal-bags, cartons, blisters/clamshells/cups and tubes, as well as the cutting of food and non-food products. 
As well as the top seal module (due to intelligent measuring and control technology it guarantees highly accurate distance measurement and recognizes misallocations or double allocations as well as relevant process errors, with consequent rejection of bags not up to standard) we focus our attention on the cross seal module.

This precisely guided system safely seals through product contamination in the seal area and allows for higher cycle rates. Narrow seals and reduced head space above the product contents save packaging materials.
Operating costs are significantly reduced while the quality of products is ensured (which, especially in the case of delicate products, are ensured greater protection due to cold tools).

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