NiceLabel offers free use of its label design software

NiceLabel (Slovenia), one of the world’s leading developers of label design software and label management systems, has decided to offer companies engaged in the fight against COVID-19 free subscriptions to its cloud-based labelling solution and technical consultancy services.

The aim of the initiative is to help these companies deliver medical equipment and essential medical supplies (ventilators, disinfectants, masks and other essential items) in the shortest possible time.

The cloud-based labelling solution will allow companies to rapidly create labels for application to packaging used for new lines of products.

Potentially eligible companies include manufacturers that convert their operations to the production of essential healthcare supplies; farms and other food industry companies that supply essential goods to supermarkets and have to deal with new labelling regulations; hospitals and other entities involved in fighting the emergency.

Organizations needing help with labeling during the COVID-19 outbreak should register their interest at

Image credits: NiceLabel

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