Packology 2013: new agreements

The program of strategic partnerships with international organisms and research institutes fielded by Ucima and Fiera di Rimini for Packology 2013, the international packaging industry event scheduled at Rimini from 11th to 14th June, is intensifying.
Packology Award to innovative packaging Organized in collaboration and with the support of ADI (Association for Industrial Design) the Packology Award wishes to reward the characteristics of innovation of packaging placed on the market in the period 2010-2013, with the aim of highlighting the entire design engineering and industrial chain involved in the creation and marketing of a successful product. To be admitted to the competition entries must present characteristics of technical innovation in the use of new materials or in the transfer of materials from one context to another, in the engineering of the product and in the creation of original formal types in relations with the user. The solutions also need to have a strong communicative impact or corporate identity.
The Packology Award is reserved for packaging designed for the food, chemical, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry as well as secondary packaging in general. The winners will be selected by a jury made up of representatives of Ucima and ADI, journalists, consumer associations, designers and engineers.
Dialogue between machines. Omac (Organization for Machine Automation and Control) will be present at Packology 2013 to present to the business community assembled at Rimini the latest new features on the standardisation protocol in the machine-operator, machine-machine dialogue within production and packaging lines. In particular Omac (supported among others by Nestlé and P&G) will bring Nestlé’s demonstration units to the fair, in order to demonstrate the benefits gained by the user concerns, machine builders, technology producers and system integrators in resorting to the PackML protocol.
Practically applied innovation. CIRI MAM (Centro Interdipartimentale Ricerca Industriale Meccanica Avanzata e Materiali) of the University of Bologna will be protagonists of the special section dedicated to Italian and foreign universities that investigate and research innovation for the packaging industry. CIRI MAM will exhibit the FTIR-Raman spectroscopic microscope for carrying out chemical and physical analyses on any sample of polymeric material, a cold plasm for surface treatment and the sterilisation of surfaces and food products, a demonstrational nanofibre electospinning system and a robotic hand for grasping “difficult” objects.
The culture of service management in the manufacturing field. The Supply Chain & Service Management Research Center of the University of Brescia promotes excellence in service management in the manufacturing field. The researchers of ASAP Service Management Forum, a research community that covers over 50 companies activated by research groups belonging to the universities of Bergamo, Brescia, Florence and the Milan Polytechnic, at the fair will expound two key themes in service management for the manufacturing field: TCO and servitization, with reference to the packaging and wrapping sectors.
In the first case, after having developed for one of the main European retailers a calculus model for household appliances (fridges and washing machines) they will show the results.
Thanks to the knowledge built up in research, training and innovation projects, they will reason on the socalled “servitization”, given the blurring of the line delimiting products and services, to continue to make profits on mature markets, machine producers are called upon to enhance their service offer to the customers devising new business models capable of creating value for all the actors along the chain.
Different materials: The University of Parma presents the latest studies made by Cipack (Centro Interdipartimentale per il Packaging) that investigates innovatory material, quality and hygiene for food and pharmaceutical packaging, along with the environmental impact of packaging.
Efficient programming. PCopen, the independent international organization that groups the major companies suppliers of industrial automation will be at Rimini to present solutions capable of making the use of software in the industrial automation process in the machine-machine and machine-operator dialogue more efficient. In particular the programming standard IEC 61131-3 enables the harmonisation of the design and use of industrial control systems. PLCopen will also illustrate other topics of interest. Motion control and safety function integration with OPC UA stands, the XML data exchange and benchmarking projects for further improvement of standards.
Focus on start-ups. During the Packaging Technology Transfer Days young start-ups will present to the professional operators products, devices and system of new conception for the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Chosen by Crit, they will be hosted in a special exhibition area, and will present their offer during the convention and seminars as well as in one-to-one encounters with the exhibitors.
Crit Research is a private company founded in the year 2000 by a group of companies with an international vocation (today they are 26). Specialised in information technology and in the practices of collaborative innovation, they offer services for innovation and technological brokering.
For further information go to Packology 2013
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