Adhesive distribution for labeling and packaging

Designed to bolster the competitivity of food, beverage and canned product producers, the technological solutions devised by Nordson enable a reduction in operating costs and energy consumption, while increasing productivity.  

Gluing: closed, non-contact labeling systems
Nordson non-contact labeling solutions cut operating costs and the inefficiency associated with open glue pot and roller systems.They deliver hot melt adhesive from the adhesive melter through a delivery hose and onto the container or label via a choice of spray or slot dispensing guns. These first-in first-out, non-circulating systems prevent heat loss and adhesive exposure to ambient air. Spray and slot guns apply adhesive without contact, enabling the use of thinner, lighter bottles and containers, expanding the range of container shapes and sizes that can be accommodated on a single labeling machine.
The precise application of adhesive provides a stable and consistent bond while also minimizing the amount of adhesive needed on each label.
Whether you are applying magazine-fed (cut and stack), in-line roll-fed, or carousel roll-fed labels, Nordson has the right solution:
- magazine-fed labeling systems can reduce adhesive use by up to 70%, compared to traditional wheel-pot systems. Accurately dispensing precise volumes of adhesive to the container at label pick-up and to the label seam, clean adhesive cut of and more uniform patterns provide manufacturers with fewer product rejects and less adhesive waste;
- non-contact roll-fed labeling systems (both in-line and carousel types) designed for high-speed labeling of containers in various shapes and sizes eliminates the need for drum resurfacing, and minimizes setup and maintenance operations. These non-contact systems can also be easily retrofitted into existing roll-fed labeling machine. With Nordson on-contact labeling systems the whole changeover process can take less than 20 minutes.

Melting adhesives during packaging
The Freedom™ melter unit by Nordson guarantees payback of investments in less than one year and ongoing savings throughout the system’s life cycle.
The advantages of this solution are many: the small size of the tank, with a capacity of only 400 ml, ensures a drastic reduction of carbonization and a considerable saving on energy, which is consumed only when needed. The automatic feeding system means that only the adhesive required is instantaneously melted.
The low bulk vertical mounting system allows easy integration in line, freedom of installation and space saving. The EcoBead control system installed on the melter allows from 30% to 60% saving of adhesive. In addition, a userfriendly panel Optix 7” touchscreen gives a clear and detailed display of diagnostic data. Freedom™ uses MiniBlue Series II tried and test pneumatic applicators, available in ball or needle configuration. Ultra resistant and totally insulated, they have a minimum switching time (2 ms) and can be used for 100 million cycles.


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