Aggregation for serialized pharma packaging

Romaco presents Promatic PAK 130, a semi-automatic, compact and ergonomic case packer, easy to clean and quick to configure, which inserts pharmaceutical cartons into tertiary packaging boxes (up to 5/min).

This is a solution designed to meet the requirements of the new EU regulation 2016/161 (in force since 9-2-2019) which prescribes the mandatory anti-counterfeit serialization of all pharmaceutical packs.
Therefore, in line with European standards, the machine integrates with all the software solutions that ensure a secure aggregation, that the customer can decide to buy from any supplier, thus configuring Promatic PAK 130 accordingly.
The phases of grouping, aggregation, stacking and insertion of cartons in boxes are completely automated. The only manual steps are the lifting and feeding of the containers which, once filled, can be removed by hand or automatically by means of buffers. As an additional option, it is possible to install a system for closing the cardboard flap with adhesive tape.
Together with the Promatic PTT track & trace labeller, the PAK 130 is a complete and integrated anti-counterfeiting solution.


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