Anti-slip and water-repellent paper

After a four-year development phase, the Danish company Palcut A/S presents Liquim®, a non-slip and waterproof recycled paper with unique characteristics, specifically made for manufacturers who use fully automatic palletizing.
It has been developed to solve the problems deriving from the formation of condensation or humidity on the palletized goods which, penetrating from the bottom of the pallet, can damage the goods and make the pallets unstable.
The secret of Liquim is the patented coating, which provides extremely high friction while protecting against humidity, condensation and liquid leaks (it repels water, oil and other liquids).
Based on the COBB test, which measures the amount of water absorbed by the paper in 60 seconds, the result is excellent.
It absorbs only 3 g of water per square meter of paper, compared to 45 grams of corrugated cardboard.
FSC certified and tested by independent institutes, it replaces the cardboard interlayer (with a paper saving of 40%) and the PE-based sheets, allowing the stabilizing the pallet both in the event the products are packed in cardboard boxes or in big bags.