Bormioli Pharma renews its plant in Friuli

Con un investimento di oltre 20 milioni di euro, Bormioli Pharma ha potenziato lo stabilimento di San Vito al Tagliamento (PN), inaugurato a fine ottobre.

The plant expansion features a brand new furnace and two new production lines dedicated to the production of pharmaceutical packaging in glass to significantly increase its operating capacity, from 30 tons/day to 110 tons/day, with the possibility of adding a third production line to extend the plant’s maximum capacity to up to 150 tons/day.
The new plant has been designed to ensure a high operational flexibility and allows to operate with different formats and production technologies. In addition to high standards of energy efficiency, the plant now features a system of prevention and safety as well as an emission control mechanism of absolute excellence.

The society has implemented a substantial plan to hire new resources, which has resulted in an increase of about 50% in the workforce.
In addition to the expansion of the production site in San Vito, Bormioli Pharma has recently announced the acquisition of the German company Remy & Geiser, specialized in closure and dosing systems as well as tubular glass vials.

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