Cosmoprof & Cosmopack: An essential combination

Facilitate the encounter between the best finished product brands and supply chain innovation. These are the premises from which a world-class event such as Cosmoprof Worldwide moves and which, with Cosmopack, enhances the strategic value of technology and the production chain. The opinion (and vision) of Enrico Zannini, General Manager of BolognaFiere Cosmoprof SpA.

Enrico Zannini, General Manager of BolognaFiere Cosmoprof SpA

How much does the combination between Cosmopack and Cosmoprof affect the success of the event?
The combination of the two events was - and is - decisive for the growth of the event as a whole. Moreover, ours is the only event that facilitates the meeting between the best finished product brands and the innovation of the supply chain: in Bologna, supply and demand meet because they are part of a unicum.
This means that business opportunities are amplified, new partnerships are consolidated and new business projects come to life: an increasingly popular format, which we are bringing to the whole world as a distinctive element of the Cosmoprof network.

In recent years, Cosmoprof has seen an increasingly marked evolution towards B2B, gaining the trust and recognition of operators with a professional and quality content. What strategies have you put in place to achieve this result?
We were forced to make the choice: with the evolution of digital media, a fair only works if it becomes a business venue, an event that allows you to fully reap the benefits of your business. This is why we have worked on multiple fronts to meet the needs of all industry players. In our events, consolidated realities have always been present, guided by safety principles and certified values, attentive to evolution and innovation.
And as for the new entries, we selected them carefully, so as to maintain a high quality level and offer an ever wider and more diversified range. We have also invested in new marketing and communication initiatives, to build a message more in line with the needs of the business, addressing a more qualified target of visitors.
The exhibition center has also adapted to our evolution: we have reviewed the distribution of the sectors in the various pavilions, we have created external structures, we have worked with BolognaFiere to renovate some spaces, and new projects are under construction to make our neighborhood more welcoming and performing.
Recent editions have shown that a more rational division of space and strategic opening days allow operators to effectively organize their presence at the fair, with visit itineraries optimized according to different professional needs.
Today we are reaping the benefits of this strategy: on the one hand, companies choose us for the quality of our visitors, on the other the most qualified operators meet every year at Cosmoprof to take advantage of the exclusive presence of market leaders.

The Cosmopack brand is now widespread abroad: What is your role in the international development of the Cosmoprof platform?
Cosmopack plays a fundamental role in the development of Cosmoprof international events. In Hong Kong with Cosmopack Asia and, starting this year, in Las Vegas with Cosmopack North America we can bring together the entire supply chain of the local cosmetics industry under one roof. Even in Mumbai and Bangkok, our most recent outposts on the Asian continent, the cosmetics industry will play a key role, with the introduction of dedicated areas from 2020. This is a gradual development, which sees our format exported (and appreciated) to new markets.

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