Electronically controlled dosing machine for food products
The latest creation of Karr Italiana Srl - specialized in the design and manufacture of volumetric dosing machines for dense and pasty liquid products based in Assago (MI) - is a brushless motorized electronic control system for applications on automatic lines, suitable for dosing food products (sauces, sauces and condiments also with pieces, etc ...), with a variable dosage volume, from 20 to 300 ml.
The structure is made of AISI 304 stainless steel, while all parts in contact with the product are made of AISI 316L, and receive a finishing treatment which makes cleaning and sanitizing operations more effective.
The product loading hopper has a double jacket heating system with coil for liquid circulation and a mixer; the entire dosing system is designed for connection to CIP washing systems.
Lastly, a reminder that the dosage systems made by Karr Italiana suitable for contact with food in compliance with the EC Regulation 1935/2004 and the EC Regulation 2023/2006.