Evolved single-serve packs

Valmatic, the dynamic Italian company  headquartered near Modena - the heart of the Emilia Romagna industrial district - in the coming months will be presenting an innovative solution for single-serve packaging, created to fully satisfy the demands of the market.


Single dose: an increasingly popular choice
Designed for both  direct producers and contractors, Valmatic’s proposed solution suits virtually all areas of use (food, cosmetics, chemicals and pharmaceuticals).
Initially created to  serve the pharma market, the single-serve pack is now also widespread in the food industry and in home & personal care sectors, areas that care a lot for practicality of use and waste reduction, also with an eye to packaging materials used, and - primarily - process costs.

«The increasing use of single-serve products - explains Graziana Tassinari, marketing manager of Valmatic - is now a well-established trend: Households are becoming ever smaller and people move about a lot more and, especially in the present time, they are a lot more conscious about waste. The key features of the singe does pack fully respond to these emerging needs: minimum overall dimensions, the right dosage, while ensuring a fresh product at the time of use. Furthermore, the single-dose solution ensures lower material waste and less environmental impact, making it popular with users».

The San Prospero based company, that has been investing in the development of machines for the packaging single-serve products for years, designs and markets state-of-the-art, flexible solutions that are easy to run and easy to maintain, capable of fully meeting all the customers’ needs.
Next “rendevous” with the company: Cosmopack, hall 20, stand E31.

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