Steriline | Interpack 2023
Hall 16 / B15 | Innovation and R&D in the aseptic processing of injectable drugs
Steriline will welcome visitors with the display of a Robotic Vial Filling Machine (RVFM5) and two systems developed internally as part of the company’s strong commitment to forward-looking activities in Research and Development: the new servo platform filling machine a robotic assembly system for volumetric pumps.
The RVFM5 was designed to fill vials in bulk. It is equipped with five filling and stoppering heads, and vials are moved with a robotic arm, which provides advantages such as improved flexibility in glassware management, higher safety in product handling (which protects both drug and personnel), enhanced quality of the process not affected by human errors and contamination. Moreover a robotic assembly system for volumetric pumps will show how machine downtime can be reduced when replacing volumetric pumps between two production cycles that require different doses. Steriline's system allows the assembly and disassembly of pumps without sterility breaks, because components are introduced and removed throughout a rapid transfer port (RTP), preserving the characteristics of the internal environment, while a robotic arm autonomously builds up the pumps.
Finally, in addition to the robotic assembly system for volumetric pumps, Steriline will have an exclusive unveiling of a new servo platform filling machine designed specifically for the small batch filling of high-value product, ideal for the Cell & Gene Therapy market.