Text Verification Tool® by AMD Electronic

A 30-year supplier of technology solutions for quality control, AMD Electronic offers a wide range of software and hardware systems designed to reduce the risk of packaging material errors to zero.


From food to pharmaceutical, from chemical to cosmetics, guaranteeing the accuracy of the information transmitted to the customer through the packaging of the product is of fundamental importance for the operators of the consumer goods industry, increasingly aware of the economic and image damage which could result from an error.

In response to the needs of the most rigidly regulated sectors, such as the pharmaceutical and medical devices sectors, AMD Electronic offers the Text Verification Tool® (TVT), a graphical and textual verification software that simplifies the correction process, and guarantees that only approved content is printed or published.

HOW IT WORKS. TVT compares two rows and immediately highlights the differences between them. Any changes made between the original document and the final version can be quickly identified by the user and accepted or rejected before moving on to the next stage of the workflow.

Find out more information about the companies mentioned in this article and published in the Buyers' Guide - PackBook by ItaliaImballaggio

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